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10 Best B2B Email Marketing Examples and Best Practices

10 Best B2B Email Marketing Examples and Best Practices

As per studies, 59% of B2B marketers claim email is the most effective channel for generating revenue. Whereas 42% of B2B businesses believe it is one of their most potent media for generating new leads.

Regarding the statistics on return on investment, Direct Marketing Association quotes that email marketing yields $51 for every $1 spent.

These kinds of figures are what makes email marketing so profitable. However, there is a catch – B2B email marketing campaigns require a different approach than traditional B2C email marketing.

Here is a roundup of the best B2B email marketing examples for 2022 so you can see what the industry leaders and the rival companies are up to. Gain valuable insights and push your B2B email marketing to a new level.

What is B2B Email Marketing?

B2B Email Marketing uses email campaigns and strategies to promote products or services between businesses. It involves sending targeted and personalized emails to B2B companies and professionals to generate leads, build relationships, and drive conversions. B2B email marketing examples showcase various email templates and best practices that effectively engage recipients and yield positive outcomes.

 A successful B2B email marketing strategy involves crafting compelling email content, implementing automation and segmentation techniques, and measuring key marketing performance metrics. Some powerful B2B email marketing examples include welcome emails, announcement emails, re-engagement emails, and survey emails. By leveraging email marketing, B2B marketers can effectively communicate with their target audience, nurture leads, and boost their marketing efforts in the competitive B2B space.

Why are B2B strategies necessary for B2B email marketing campaigns?

For the same fact that two almost identical doors nonetheless require separate keys, general email marketing strategies don’t work for B2B campaigns: you’re attempting to get different people into the door.

Here are examples of how conventional email marketing strategies fall short when used in B2B campaigns.

Sending Targeted Emails

B2B campaigns target businesses, or more precisely, numerous people at a company, instead of most email marketing efforts targeting individuals. A company’s purchase process involves individuals in various positions, unlike a consumer’s buying journey, which is entirely up to them when they receive a B2C email.

When you pinpoint a B2B target, you’re tracking down a collection of targets; therefore, your strategy must consider the variations across various contacts inside a company.

You should send many emails to various recipients inside the same target company to reach people effectively.

Cycle Span

The buying process for a B2B business can resemble herding cats. It takes a herculean effort – and an arduous amount of endurance – to convince numerous departments to cooperate on a conclusion, particularly one that needs budget approval.

Since email marketing campaigns continue the entire customer journey, anticipate your B2B company marketing cycles being much longer.

Email Content and Tonality

Consumers are aware of their status as customers. Thus, while composing B2C emails, you can be more upfront about the fact that you’re seeking to close a deal. Promotional material, discounts, and sale announcements work well in a B2C campaign but feel work in the same way in a B2B campaign.

When B2B emails concentrate on offering resources and information, they typically perform better. A B2B subscriber might be convinced of your brand’s worth by reading trend studies, industry benchmarks, how-to guides, and webinar recordings.

Therefore, repackaging B2C material for your B2B email marketing campaigns is out of the question. Instead, you’ll need to find new email content types and forms.

Best B2B Email Marketing Examples of 2023

Just because a business or its brand is terrific doesn’t ensure its emails will be. Many companies are succeeding on the stock exchange but languishing in their target audience’s inboxes.

Remember that your B2B email marketing goal goes beyond simply getting recipients to click through, read, or sign-up right away. Also, you would like to prove to your recipients that the content of your emails is noteworthy, valuable, and has information worth reading and interacting with.

Here are a few B2B email marketing campaigns with splendid email open rates and impressive engagement rates.

1. Re-engagement Email Campaign

Grammarly delivers a fun way to indicate that time has gone by adding a “wrinkle in time” badge. They include a bold red call to action to re-engage the recipients with their products and services.

2. New Feature Announcement

Atlassian announced its multiple services’ updates through a crisp and clean email. The email begins with a free testing offer available to the email recipients. While the white background makes the blue call-to-action buttons pop up.

Such a B2B email marketing strategy is excellent for keeping the B2B brand-customer relationship cordial. You remind people of who you are and tell them what’s new.

3. Personalised B2B Email Marketing

Microsoft prefers creating emails specifically tailored to the interests of its prospective and current clients. Microsoft sent the aforementioned email with recommendations based on their browsing and spending patterns.

Your sales and conversions will increase if you send personalized emails like this sample email for marketing your B2B business amidst your prospects, recommending goods and services they’ll find valuable.

4. Company Merger/Acquirement Announcement

One of the first things SumAll did was let their subscribers know that they had acquired Flutter. By doing this, they successfully generated new interest in their product line. Announcing this kind of news will likely positively affect prospects uncertain whether SumAll was the perfect fit for their company.

Inform your subscriber list whenever you have news to share, such as receiving an award, modifying your product lineup, or introducing new price options. Include all corporate information in the email, connect the email to a landing page, or do both.

I think that newsworthy content about your business is valuable to your readers. According to Chadwick Martin Bailey’s research, 26% of all B2B users sign-up for an email to stay updated on important news about a business or brand they have expressed interest in.

5. Automated B2B Email Marketing Campaigns

Using an email automation workflow, Adobe sends a sample email for marketing their B2B brand following a user’s purchase of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. To help the user get the most out of the software, Adobe includes information in this email on extra Adobe Acrobat Pro DC features.

By routinely communicating with their clients through automated emails like this, Adobe can create enduring bonds that result in customer loyalty.

Users are also aware of new features they may have yet to learn. Henceforth, the customer will utilize the product more favourably and is more inclined to do so.

6. B2B Email Marketing Campaigns with Video

Likely, a video will always be in an email Backlinko sends. They can give value by using video to provide actionable content. Additionally, the Backlinko creator, Brian, created a connection with his subscribers by using a video in this particular sample email for marketing their B2B brand because they regularly see and hear Brian.

When he engages in this kind of dialogue with his audience, he establishes a stronger bond with them than if he reads email content.

Make a video version of one of your most profitable pieces of content, you can use available tools and edit video online to create an engaging video. Narrate the content of the email through this video. This email need not be pitch-perfect. Also, these kinds of emails perform better in terms of engagement.

7. Product Promotion

When VWO introduced SmartStats, they let their audience know about the new development, how it affects users, and how it might aid them in their testing.

This kind of email may attract new clients from prospective customers who are still deciding which provider to select.

8. Motivate your Lead to Proceed Further in the Marketing Funnel

CampaignMonitor sent their clients a B2B email to remind them about their email template builder.

Utilize your marketing emails to remind your target audience of products and services they haven’t utilized recently. These are just a few instances of B2B email marketing. Still, it’s more important to pay attention to your customers’ persona and behaviour and provide them with solutions before they ask for them.

9. Year-End Email to Celebrate the Milestones

B2B emails summarising the past year are a great approach to customer interaction.

Flywheel offers its readers a lot of information in this email. This B2B sample email for marketing demonstrates how to provide the summary of the entire year with a full review at the beginning of the email and finish the template with some vibrant and amusing images of their staff.

10. B2B Email Marketing Campaign with Gated Content

SuperOffice notifies its subscribers through email whenever they publish a new white paper or guide. This is a very effective and quickest method for increasing the number of readers and content downloaders.

They do this because 36% of B2B customers utilize white paper information as a starting point for their product research, according to a study.

Tips for a powerful B2B email marketing strategy

Firstly, use b2b email marketing examples as inspiration to craft effective email campaigns. Develop a well-defined email marketing strategy that aligns with your overall marketing goals and target audience. Utilize templates and best b2b email marketing examples to design visually appealing and engaging emails. Personalize your emails and make them relevant to your recipients by segmenting your email list based on their preferences and behaviour. 

Implement automation tools to streamline your email marketing campaigns and save time. Incorporate various types of emails, such as welcome emails, announcement emails, and re-engagement emails, to keep your audience engaged throughout their customer journey. Focus on delivering valuable content in a single email, as a well-crafted email can significantly impact.

Use compelling subject lines and optimize the body of your email to increase open and click-through rates. Leverage email automation and marketing analytics to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven improvements. Continuously test and refine your email marketing tactics to improve performance and achieve successful results in the competitive B2B space. By following these tips and utilizing powerful B2B email marketing examples, you can leverage the potential of email marketing to enhance your marketing efforts and drive business growth.

The Bottomline

In conclusion, B2B email marketing is a powerful strategy for generating revenue and driving new leads. As the statistics show, email marketing has a high return on investment, making it a profitable channel for businesses. However, B2B email marketing requires a different approach than B2C campaigns. It involves sending targeted emails to multiple individuals within a company, considering their various positions and roles in the purchasing process. B2B emails should offer valuable resources and information rather than promotional content.

To create a successful B2B email marketing strategy, it is crucial to craft compelling email content, implement automation and segmentation techniques, and measure key marketing performance metrics. The examples provided in this blog showcase effective B2B emails marketing campaigns, such as re-engagement emails, new feature announcements, personalized emails, company merger/acquisition announcements, automated campaigns, video emails, product promotions, lead motivation emails, year-end emails, and gated content emails.

In summary, B2B email marketing presents a significant opportunity for businesses to engage with their target audience, nurture leads, and drive conversions. Companies can optimise their email campaigns and achieve their marketing goals by adopting best practices such as personalization, automation, and valuable content delivery. Embrace the power of B2B email marketing and unlock its potential to elevate your marketing strategy, foster strong customer relationships, and ultimately drive business growth in the competitive B2B space.

Hemanti Pradhan

Hemanti Pradhan

I am Hemanti Pradhan, a Content Writer skilled in delivering technical as well as non-technical writeups. My portfolio covers a wide spectrum – from product documentation to lifestyle blogs & social media posts. When not writing, I indulge myself in drawing Zentagles & Mandala art.

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