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Why does Online Marketing Need a Valuable Partner like Email Marketing?

Why does Online Marketing Need a Valuable Partner like Email Marketing?

The rate of technology advancement and the number of channels available to online marketers today is astounding. However, out of the many, email marketing continues to be a hero for online marketing year in, year out.

Its huge success can be attributed to its affordability, one-on-one communication, broad reach, and great return on investment. More important than anything else, email marketing isn’t just about a company or a brand; it more about the customers and their benefit.

Email marketing provides the opportunity to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. Emails set the stage to strengthen relationships with the audience by sending them relevant, useful information that will help them achieve their objectives or solve their problems.

Email marketing brings to the table:

  • Capabilities to generate and nurture leads.
  • Covers the entire customer lifecycle from end to beginning.
  • Helps to track the performance parameters.
  • Incentivise customer loyalty for even better customer-brand bonds.

Significance of Email Marketing in Online Marketing

Email marketing has immense longevity for online marketing.

Despite the proliferation of social media, affiliate marketing, and other forms of digital marketing, email remains the most effective and profitable tool for online marketing in order to nurture leads, spike client loyalty, and drive sales.

  • 4 billion daily email users (and there is no sign of slowing down of this figure)
  • Estimated 3x email conversion rates as compared to the social media conversion rates.
  • 4,400% return on investment.
  • Online marketing via emails has far better click through rates than those on social media.
    These email marketing statistics are enough to demonstrate that not integrating email marketing with online marketing means lost sales and growth opportunities. 

Why to Trust Email Marketing?

Quick answer – Because email marketing is dependable, customisable, and drives real and measurable results. There are many reasons to trust email marketing when it comes to its importance in online marketing.

Reason #1: Everyone Reads Emails

99% of the customers check email on a regular basis. With so many people – from all age groups and demographics – accessing and interacting with emails to communicate and make purchase or transaction decisions, it’s obvious to realise why email marketing has such a significant value in online marketing.

Reason #2: Connects with the Customers/Leads at Every Stage of the Marketing Funnel

An email communication not only transports a business brand or online marketer directly into the contact’s inboxes, but it also communicates with them at every point of their customer journey. Depending upon which stage the contact is in – awareness, consideration, or transaction – emails help to inform, educate, foster and persuade the contacts.

Reason #3: A Low Cost and Low Risk Entry Point

The USP of email marketing is its price flexibility. It also makes email marketing a less risky promotional and marketing strategy than other forms of online advertising.

Reason #4: YOU are the Owner

Emails, unlike other online marketing channels, have a single owner. Additionally, the control and authority of the subscriber relationships is in the hands of the email marketer. Emails provide complete and better control of every aspect of the promotional campaigns.

Reason #5: Immense Scalability

Email marketing campaigns can expand its spectrum without straining resources or jeopardising campaign quality. Email marketing capabilities like email automation, email marketing templates, and email personalisation do indeed help to grow and broaden the online marketing scope, easily.

Email Marketing Benefits with respect to Online Marketing

Supports Email Personalisation & Segmentation

Email marketing software allows creation of segments of the contact lists on the basis of their online behaviour, persona, demographics or previous purchases. Appropriate email list segmentation further enables the creation of hyper-targeted and personalised email campaigns in line with the segment’s nature.

Research says, personalized messages and segmented email marketing campaigns can boost revenue by up to 760 percent.

Easy to Track & Measure the Results

Proof of success is important for deciding future email campaigns. And with a feature-packed email marketing tool, like for example Mailercloud, accessing and measuring the performance metrics is a breeze.

An email marketing tool has the capacity to automatically and continuously track, measure, and update the campaign performance like the email open rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates and many others.

The sophisticated and intuitive dashboards display every detail in real-time to facilitate easy decision making by helping to analyse which part of the campaigns is working and which is not. Consistent tracking and updates enables creating a distinct voice, style and impression about the brand through the emails.

Permission-based Marketing

When prospects share their email address with a business, it depicts that they trust the business. Instead of popping up unannounced, gaining permission to access their email inboxes boosts fruitful engagement and conversion possibilities. Moreover, this also builds a contact list of people who are genuinely interested in the business offerings, thus reducing the churn or unsubscribe rates.

Better Email Automation Tools for Timely Campaigns

Standard online marketing channels and techniques take weeks or months to plan, prepare, implement, and drive results. However, with email marketing, creating an entire campaign takes just a few clicks and it is good to go.

Additionally, it provides the ability to reach the audience at the most opportune time and in response to the action taken by the user. For example email automation and drip campaigns – without the need of any supervision, work on their own – enable targeted engagement with less effort. 

Keep a Pulse on the Customer Feedback & Experience

Collect feedback to surveil customer experience, which is a very valuable part of any online marketing tactic. This is something that email marketing can help with by sending surveys and polls in the email campaigns.

Use the gathered information to tweak the current marketing strategies or come up with new ones to improve the customer experience in near future.

More Traffic to Website and other Online Platforms

Email marketing strategies are effective at increasing visitors to a website or webpage while also improving SEO. In this circumstance, a strong CTA in the emails plays an important role in migrating the email recipient from their inbox to another website or online destination.

Encourages Sustained and Continual Engagement

Emails give a direct and continuous path to provide value to subscribers, driving constant engagement. Videos in emails, A/B tests, and polls are all email marketing tactics that help to discover more about the subscribers and their requirements. This proves helpful to accordingly tweak the email content strategy for stimulating better engagement.

Access to an Open Platform

Many online marketing channels, such as social media, are owned and controlled by third parties, leaving marketers vulnerable to platform changes. Alternatively, email is not owned or controlled by any single entity. It’s an open communication platform with a variety of features that allow you to send emails in bulk. You will be the owner of every part of email marketing and campaigns. Hence, you’ll be able to use it without fear of someone interfering with its efficacy or imposing any limitations.

Impact of Email Marketing on Online Marketing

One of the primary objectives of any online marketing initiative is to deliver value to the audience so that they return, time and again. Email marketing is a terrific way to create a loyal customer base because it may provide value even if customers aren’t making a purchase by providing frequent content and information.

Use email marketing to deliver more resources to contacts who are interested in what you have to say, especially since they opted-in. By consistently giving value to the audience, more individuals will pay attention, resulting in a larger return on investment.

Brand Recognition

Email marketing affects the customer’s or lead’s behaviour towards the business or brand in a positive way. The right frequency and timing of email campaigns helps in the building of brand awareness and brand image. Relevant email campaigns timely nudge the contacts about the brand and its products or services that may help the subscribers fulfil their needs or provide them with the correct information.


The majority of online marketers have a hawk eye on increasing conversion rates. The ultimate goal for marketers is to convert potential customers into paying and recurring customers, whether through leads, sales, subscriptions, purchases, or a metric specific to the online marketing plan. When it comes to conversions, email marketing beats all of the other marketing techniques.

Gain Customer Loyalty

Emails establish a direct connection with the subscriber or prospect, allowing for complete intimacy in terms of information exchange. And nowadays, people don’t just let anybody into their inbox. It’s a carefully managed environment where only favourite brands and websites find their places. Any business that appears in someone’s email inbox has the power to keep their brand abreast in the thoughts of its target audience.

A properly segmented and personalised marketing email has more capacity than a social media post where there is no surety if someone has actually seen the post or not.  Compared to other marketing channels, email marketing’s scalable nature allows it to send emails to many recipients while being cost-effective.

Wrapping it all!

The impact and advantage that email marketing brings into online marketing is unmatched. It helps online marketers to expand their business horizons and inspire their target audience to take intended action. Online marketers can now construct smarter marketing campaigns than ever before because of email automation and personalisation capabilities of an intuitive email marketing software.

Hemanti Pradhan

Hemanti Pradhan

I am Hemanti Pradhan, a Content Writer skilled in delivering technical as well as non-technical writeups. My portfolio covers a wide spectrum – from product documentation to lifestyle blogs & social media posts. When not writing, I indulge myself in drawing Zentagles & Mandala art.

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